The Registered Standard

At Registered, we only sign-up the best in the business, so businesses can be proud knowing that they are true professionals and customers can enquire in confidence.

Registered understands the frustrations of people all over the United Kingdom when it comes to finding a professional and reliable tradesperson. That’s why we have standards:

Vetted Tradespeople: 

We’re passionate about proper tradespeople. That’s why we've hand-pick trained professionals for all of our trade maps. We analyse company reviews, check documents and research local company opinions of the company before they are activated on our map.

Hand-Picked Professionals:

We independently research all prospective members of our platform. Companies can register their interest in joining our network, but there is no way for them to appear on our coveted tradesperson maps without first being vetted by our team.

We Limit Our Members:

We have worked hard to ensure that only the best tradespeople in the industry are on our register. That’s why we limit the number of businesses per area to showcase the tradespeople that deserve it.


Our Vision:


At Registered, we aim to be different. We have built Registered to suit the needs of tradespeople in the modern world.


Having built and developed Drone Safe Register over the past 6 years, we recognise and understand the needs of people searching for reliable service providers. We want to use our experience and knowledge to help customers find reliable, safe and trustworthy tradespeople. 

However, we also recognise that it’s not just about the customer. It’s important to recognise that tradespeople are at the heart of what we do. We see the problems that tradespeople have faced from other service providers, and we’re here to fix them. 

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Browse local plumbers in your area with the UK's only Plumber Services interactive map. 

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Purchase a drone for trade works from our expert partners at the Drone Safe Store. 

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Get a professionally qualified tiler quote from industry experts in your local area. 

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Search our brand new network of local, professional tradespeople, available in your local area. 

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