Find Reliable Roofer Near Me
The roof on your home is one of the key parts of the structure, and it’s important that you look after it. In winter and in storms in particular your home can suffer serious damage if it’s not in good condition. Worse still your insurance company will often wriggle out of a claim if they can prove the roof hasn’t been maintained (Hint: Check the small print of your policy when you buy one!).
If you have a flat roof extension they generally only last between five to ten years so have it checked and repaired annually.
So if you’re asking where can I find a roofer near me what are your options? Searching online can be like playing the old pin the tail on the donkey game. You might find an ass! You may see a local roofer’s van and make a note of their name and number, but how can you know how good they are? Finding a roofer you can trust isn’t easy, but Registered can take the risk and potential pain away.
Our database has been built in response to the question ‘where can I find a roofer near me’ – and we vet and check all applicants to ensure they meet our high standards.

One of the problems with hiring a local roofer is you may not actually be able to check that the work they recommend is actually necessary. Worse still, you can’t check that they’ve done it! A cowboy roofer can climb a ladder, give you the ‘bad news' about the state of your roof and quote you a silly price.
Unless you climb the ladder and have a look yourself you’re paying them on trust. A month later you could have water pouring into the house because they haven’t fixed the problem. They might then be ‘too busy’ to come back and make it good and you may be searching for a ‘roofer near me’ again!
A local handyman may be ok for a basic roof repair such as adding a new piece of felt to a home extension but make sure you hire a professional roofer for a larger job. As well as ladders they’ll have scaffolding, walking boards and other equipment required to work at safely at height.
The Registered database has all kinds of approved, vetted tradesmen including local roofing companies.